Ushers Ministry
Officers Usher Psalm 
Deacon Curtis A. Wilson
The Lord is my light and He is the Joy of my salvation of whom then shall I be afraid.

I am a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord.

Yea though I meet with unpleasant conditions, I must keep smiling, for I must enter into his presence with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise.

Yea though I walk through the shadow of unkindness, I must smile for the beauty of the Lord is upon me; my countenance is filled with light, the light of Love, patience and endurance.

I shall strive to give joy to the sorrowful, hope to the lost, sunshine to the darkness, and I shall remain a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord as long as I live.

Sis. Bernice Milton
First Vice President
Sis. Thelma Lewis
Second Vice President
 Bro. Harry Copeland
Third Vice President
Sis. Gloria Henderson……Corresponding Secretary
Sis. Georgia Smith……Recording Secretary
Sis. Denise Perry……Asst. Recording Secretary
Sis. Pam McDuffie……Financial Secretary
Sis. Brenda Jacks……Asst. Financial Secretary
Sis. Freddie M. Farmer……Treasurer
Sis. Annette Graham……Historian
Bro. Harry Copeland……Chairman of Finance
Sis. Mary K. Heard……President Emeritus
Rev. David Swackward, Sr…….Ministry Advisor
Dea. Jerry Green……Devotional Leader